About Us

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HoodTalk Radio is a division of HoodTalk Entertainment.

HoodTalk Radio was developed so that the local artists can be played alongside the mainstream artists. It will showcase the fact that, just because you are not signed, does not mean that you are not just as good. It was also meant for black businesses to market their products or services on a platform to where they reach customers they wouldn’t have reached otherwise. This is all done without any commerce being exchanged. We just want to be able to add to the culture of hip-hop and R&B without jeopardizing the quality of the product.


We are proud receiptants of several industry awards and, will do our best to continue to offer the culture our best introduction of new artists as well as inform the community on all issues going on around the world. It’s not only our music that can make a difference, it is our voices and our actions that can change the world.
